Thursday, December 10, 2009

A history lesson

    OK here goes. In my last post, I pinned the blame for Mexico's corruption on the Catholic Church and now I must explain why.
    Before Mexico's  greatest president, Benito Juarez dethroned the Pope by separating Church and State, the Pope had complete and unhindered control of the government of Mexico. The Pope's deceptive teaching of indulgences; of paying money to absolve ones sins, is the root cause of all this corruption! This is a form of bribery in the strictest sense of the word. If one is brought up all his or her life bribing "God" for their spiritual and temporal sins, then of course one can also bribe the government to not apply the law on their behalf. Or, if you have enough money, you can bribe the law to support you in any endeavor be it illegal or criminal because they, like you, have been brought up with the same convictions; commit sin, pay money to "God" and get forgiven. In other words, murder to get gain, rape, assassinations, dealing drugs, adultery or any form of criminality is OK in a criminal's state of mind as long as he can go to the great Church and pay "God" to absolve him of his crimes! This is what it eventually evolves into. Dear reader, can you see how this has happened? If one can commit a little sin with little or no punishment from either government or church then one soon becomes addicted to his habits and they only get worse. If you tell a child all his life the sky is purple, he will believe it with all his heart and mind. To this day, a Catholic person in Mexico can pay money to be forgiven of his sins. He or she isn't required to repent and sin no more, they are just free to do as they please. I have witnessed it. And now that's the end of my rant.
    Don't take this wrong and  assume I am grouping all Catholic people in this category. Everyone has a conscience, and most people let their conscience be the guide in this matter. There are many millions of good Catholics who abhor and fight the corruption all over the world.  


Bendigo said...

Coming from a Catholic upbringing, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. I know for a fact that you can have an annullmenet if you are willing to pay the money and send your letter to the vatican ($500 in the 90's). I don't practice within the Catholic faith any longer, but I do have to say that I know many who do, and thankfully many realize that it takes more than a couple bucks and a half hearted apology to make things right. I'm saddened to hear that it is so rampant where you are. But this is Christmas time so there is Hope ...... always hope :)

Desertson said...

Usually what happens is, the people get fed up with the government and either vote someone in who will change things or take matters into their own hands and revolt. But there is definitely hope for a brighter future.

Anonymous said...

My best friend here in Alaska, whose husband basically abandoned her and their 4 kids, recently got a notice of annullment in the mail because her ex remarried a Catholic. Quite the slap in the face, being informed your marriage never existed. Actually, as far as his level of commitment went, it didn't. ha But there was a marriage, a divorce, and FOUR CHILDREN, and no ridiculous annullment is going to change those facts.

Desertson said...

Now that is what boils my blood! A man (or in this case) an infidel who will not take responsibility for his marriage vows and support his wife and children because they can just get an annulment. That's just sad.

Ian said...

I'm back again to let you know that this post has been nominated to receive the best "Things that make you go hmmm post" of the year award. Good luck!